Cameron C
Installation SpecialistBIO
Hi, my name is Cameron and I am an install apprentice here at Rocklin Heating & Air. I would like to start by saying thank you for allowing us to continue working inside your homes despite a global pandemic.
My work experience started with this company. I get to learn from excellent installers every day, and this will benefit our customers because I will be performing high-quality work.
I graduated from Wheatland High School and then attended Sierra College online. So, I have been in the area for a while now. I love working in this area because we have such a strong reputation among the Rocklin and surrounding communities. It feels nice to be the best at what we do and being able to tell people I work for such an amazing company.
My favorite things to do are walk my dog, exercise, and play video games.
I look forward to continuing my growth as an installer and providing beautiful systems to the community.